An app that is changing the way we give money. Listen to what it's like to have an appreneur life filled with a purpose to help change the world for the better.

An app that is changing the way we give money. Listen to what it's like to have an appreneur life filled with a purpose to help change the world for the better. 


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Here are the 3 things I learned from Gret...Going to a private school and being privileged doesn’t mean you have to follow the standard path into a well paid career. You can still live a purpose driven life doing something completely unexpected by your parents and peersIf you live in a First World country (US, UK), you typically have no idea what extreme poverty looks like. It's just like a completely different planetStart with a real passion to turn your app into something that’ll make a real impact. Gret's app provides funding to people in need living overseas and also changes the way people in the first world see how they are making an impact

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