”The Gentleman of Chaos” by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor — published in Apex Magazine issue 87, August 2016.  

Read it here: http://www.apex-magazine.com/the-gentleman-of-chaos/

Merc Fenn Wolfmoor is a queer non-binary writer who lives in Minnesota with two adorable cats (Tater Tot photos frequently grace all Merc’s social media). Merc is a Nebula Awards finalist, and their stories have appeared in Lightspeed, Fireside, Apex, Uncanny, Nightmare, Escape Pod, and several Year’s Best anthologies. You can find Merc on Twitter @Merc_Wolfmoor or their website mercfennwolfmoor.com. Their debut short story collection, So You Want to Be a Robot, was published by Lethe Press (2017) and they have a second short story collection forthcoming in late 2021.

This Apex Magazine Podcast was performed and produced by Mahvesh Murad. Music used with kind permission of BenSound.com!

Apex Magazine Podcast, Copyright Apex Publications.

Apex Magazine is a monthly short fiction zine focused on dark science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Find us at http://www.apex-magazine.com.