The Black Panther anniversary celebration continues, with Chris moderating the roundtable discussion between Sabrina, Brandon Kesselly (@BCKesso) of The Rising Young Minds and NerdCraft Nation, and Karama Horne (@theblerdgurl). Who was "right" in the debate on whether or not to open Wakanda to the world? What does immigration and tourism look like in the MCU's Wakanda? Heck, what are weddings like? All this and more in this fantastic deep dive of Ryan Coogler's film.

Works Cited:

Nnedi Okorafor -  Black Panther Long Live the King 1-3

Samuel P. Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations
Linda Heywood’s paper on the Kingdom of Kongo
Black Panther and the Black Monolith Fallacy

Next Week: Do the Oscars Still Matter?

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Chris Compendio (@Compenderizer)
Izzy Sio (@delirilyn)
Anthony Paone (@thepizzataco)
Sabrina Clarke (@sabsclarke)

Theme Music: Steve Molitor

Logo: Charles Villanueva (@cfsvillanueva)

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