Due to an understandable guest cancellation, the Magical Mister Mephisto had to conjure up a solo RantCast and to do so he used the most powerful weapon in his arsenal... Chat Gang. That's right, the show within the show takes center stage for the discussion via their standard word wizardry and the triumphant return of the Call-in Format made famous first by Mephisto nearly two years ago when he made AOS RantCast.  

As for the topic, it's a doozy. Mephisto lays some foundational work for philosophical analysis and what a writer means when they talk about a premise or premise based writing before he lays out the seven deadly sins of game design and how you can apply them to Warhammer discussions.   

Shout outs to Tyler Emerson for being my muse on this topic.   

Also mega props to The Midnight for their stance on fair use and royalty free music on the internet. The few seconds of the song you hear at the beginning of the show is from Neon Medusa off the EP Horrorshow released March, 2021. You can listen to the entire track here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdtJyQOAkxs

I claim no copyrights to the song and used it in good faith with their position on the Twitch TOS specifically.   

Also Shout Outs to Stuart Ashens whose Terrible Old Games You've Probably Never Heard Off, gallery of shame, and numerous talks on game design were of huge inspiration to me especially when I set out to make my first video game some four years ago.  

If you like my content, consider becoming one of my Mortarchs on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrmephisto​​​​

Want to support me and also own a piece of AOS RantCast? Consider buying some merch! https://teespring.com/stores/mephmerc...​       

Join Chat Gang and be part of the show live! AOS RantCast is Broadcasted live on Twitch each Thursday at https://www.twitch.tv/mr_mephisto