Meet Steph, a fellow Bostonian and Let Love In participant, who dropped some serious knowledge on the podcast this week about her experience within Let Love In.

Let Love In is a group of highly successful single women, who would love to attract the right person into their life to share it with, but are a little confused as to why the heck it hasn’t happened, yet.

Steph shared about how nervous she was, at first, to join Let Love In, but deep down knew she was ready to look at why love was the one thing missing in her life.

Steph talked about how she took time off to focus on herself after a breakup, but taking yoga classes was only getting her so far.

She needed a safe space to tell her story, share her thoughts, feel her feelings (Steph said that was the hardest part for her, yet most rewarding), and be supported to grow, heal and change her beliefs about herself, about love, and the relationships she has/had in her life to make peace with them.

The confidence and self-assurance that Steph exhibited in this episode made me tear up as I was writing this post.

She is not the same woman she was 10 months ago. Did she appear confident then? 

Hell yes, but this...this confidence that I am talking about is something that comes from within.

This confidence comes from being in a supportive safe space to share your thoughts, feelings and experiences.

To build trust within herself with the love and support from myself, guest coaches and her peers.

Have a listen to Anything for Love this week, especially if you’re in a place where you’re focusing on yourself and building your self-esteem.

Let Love In - isn’t about dating someone else, it’s about getting to know yourself, accepting and understanding yourself better, and learning to let love into your life from the place you need and want it the most - from yourself.

Steph - from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing your story and showing your face. 

Sometimes, we can feel shame or embarrassment that we need or want help in our love lives and I know that by seeing your face, we begin to break that cycle and know that we are stronger together when we speak our truth and use our voices.

I love you for opening up to me, to your peers, and to the Anything for Love family because someone is going to hear your story and realize they’re not “crazy,” they’re not alone, and they no longer have to focus on themselves, alone.

I love you, Steph! Thank you for trusting me with your heart (crying...please hold) and for being willing to trust yourself, deeper than ever before. It’s been an honor to be on this journey with you - within Let Love In and beyond.

Cheers to your willingness, strength and courage to let love in. xo

Want to prepare to be the “right one” for yourself and another? Click here! The doors are open to Let Love In.