Does this sound like you… you’ve got a ton of ideas floating around your head to start your own business and can’t seem to narrow it down to just one idea. The idea that’ll make more money than your full-time job. If so, you’re definitely not alone. Which is why I created a special training called “how do I even start a business” that I’m sharing a clip from this week. 

Have a listen once, twice (..a dozen times) for insight on three things that you should be focused on so that people will buy from you and the next steps to take after you’ve narrowed down your business idea.

(The full training is available as part of my new course, 3 Easy Steps to Starting Your Business!)


Would you like to start and grow your own coaching business, but wonder what you need to make that happen? Click here for the best training that’s only $99 USD: 3 easy steps to starting your coaching business