This week, we’re talking about the importance of really, fully feeling your feelings as they come up. We’re going to dive into the tendency many of us have had in the past to get uncomfortable with big feelings that come up and instead find ways to distract ourselves from them instead of moving through them. 

It’s this tendency to avoid fully feeling these big feelings that keep us from learning from them and moving past them. No matter who you are, bad days will come, so have a routine in place that will help you feel good and find a bit of comfort so you can feel those feelings and release them!

Check out this episode to lean into feeling your feelings - and don’t hesitate to share this episode with someone who needs to start really feeling their feelings, too!

If you feel this avoidance of your feelings is affecting a business you’re either trying to create or up-level, click here to check out my upcoming Create a Biz mastermind: