Are you getting to know someone new? In this episode, I share the best dating advice I’ve ever received. I hope you’ll find comfort in these ah-ha moments I’ve learned along the way to finding love for myself and with another, especially as we’re first getting to know one another.


Do you feel anxious or get “in your head” when you’re first dating someone? Are you ready to date with more confidence than ever before & feel supported as you do - then join me for NAVIGATING NEW RELATIONSHIPS.

A live course as you figure out if this new person you’re dating is the one for you. I call it the ABC’s of dating.

A = anxiety and attachment

B = boundaries and beliefs 

C = communication and connection

You’ll feel supported and comforted as you learn about these topics to connect more deeply to yourself and others on your way to determining if they can be that special someone! 

Click here to sign up: