Previous Episode: 27. Life VS. Friendships

Welcome back! This week: -Intro/Welcome/Recap -Kanye moving back to Chicago -Today we discuss our favorite places in Chicago! QOSCABA: Christine Blasey Ford ## iTunes: Subscribe, rate and review us! Soundcloud: Like, comment, and share! Spodifty / iHeartRadio: Follow us! Googleplay: Subscribe! Find us: Instagram and Twitter: @abbpodcast#abbpodcast Patreon:

Welcome back! This week: -Intro/Welcome/Recap -Kanye moving back to Chicago -Today we discuss our favorite places in Chicago! QOSCABA: Christine Blasey Ford ## iTunes: Subscribe, rate and review us! Soundcloud: Like, comment, and share! Spodifty / iHeartRadio: Follow us! Googleplay: Subscribe! Find us: Instagram and Twitter: @abbpodcast#abbpodcast Patreon: