Meet Steve Lucas. He’s the tall guy in the back on the right side of the photo who’s not wearing a hat. I first met Steve back in 2011, the year before I became a Buckmasters certified deer scorer and I can count on probably 2 fingers how many times I’ve seen him wear a hat. He can’t stand to score deer with a hat on because the bill is a distraction.

It’s not like Steve doesn’t like hats, he’s just a guy who’s absolutely comfortable not wearing a hat, even when he knows he’s going to be at events where everyone wears a hat.

Steve is comfortable being himself even when he may not be exactly like everyone else. It’s hard to find a non hat guy amongst hat guys.

Being who you are is hands down a man’s strongest asset. Someone that others can appreciate and respect because they know where you stand.

Listen to this and ask yourself the question; Am I a non-hat guy amongst hat guys?