Stan Gilbert, Tricky Tutorials

Hello, and welcome to an interview-only episode of Antic, The Atari 8-bit computer podcast. Stan Gilbert worked for Educational Software (previously known as Santa Cruz Educational Software) in the early 80’s and developed several products in the Tricky Tutorial series for the Atari 8-bit computer line.  He later also worked for Apple.

This interview took place July 29, 2017.


Antic Magazine August 1987 - Vol. 6 No. 4 LINKBAS.BAS, LINKBAS.EXE: Link BASIC (with compiled version), programming utility by Robin Alan Sherer and Stan Gilbert, 99 (BASIC, binary load),_5_1/4%22_Disk)_Educational_Software_-_1983_USA,_Canada_Release - Tricky Tutorial No. 9 GTIA Graphics (Atari 8-Bit, 5 1/4" Disk) Educational Software - 1983 USA, Canada Release The Adventures of Proto - Stan on LinkedIn -