Allan Moose, Atari Assembly Language Programmer's Guide   Allan Moose was co-author of the book Atari Assembly Language Programmer's Guide, which was published by Weber Systems in 1986. He wrote the book with his wife and writing partner, Marian Lorenz. She passed away in 1992. The two also wrote many articles for Antic and A.N.A.L.O.G. Computing magazines.  Their articles included many about display list interrupts and vertical blank interrupts, and pretty mathematical graphics routines.    This interview took place on May 12, 2018.   "...pretty much a joint, cooperative effort in writing articles. Sometimes I would have an idea and would sketch something out. Other times Marian would have an idea."   Scan of Atari Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide   Allan's articles in Antic magazine   Allan's articles in A.N.A.L.O.G. Computing magazine   Article in Art & Science Journal    Display Lists Simplified (work in progress article)