In this episode of the Anthropology in Business podcast, Steven Garcia speaks with Matt Artz about his career as a business anthropologist. The conversation covers Steven's work at the intersection of luxury brands, affluence, and culture for Team One, where he built a new anthropology practice.

About Steven Garcia

Steven Garcia is a cultural anthropologist who studies the intersection of luxury brands, affluence, and culture. His professional experience includes over a decade as a brand strategist at several advertising agencies, including Crispin Porter + Bogusky, David&Goliath, Venables Bell & Partners, and RPA.

He has worked on a variety of brands, including PayPal, Braintree, Charles Schwab, La-Z-Boy, Kia Motors, Honda, Acura, Audi, and now, Lexus. In 2016, he joined Team One, where he built a new anthropology practice, and conducts ethnography, cultural analysis, and semiotics to dig into the cultural drivers and context that influence people and their behavior.

With a passion for design, art, brands, and technology, he often draws inspiration from these sources for his work. His competencies include cultural anthropology, semiotics, consumer insights, creative briefs, brand strategy and positioning, personas, customer journeys, usability and user experience (UX) testing, ethnography, interviewing/moderating, focus groups, secondary data analysis, survey design, and trend watching.

Recommended Links

Steven Garcia on LinkedInThe Global Affluent Tribe by Team One

About the Anthropology in Business Podcast

The Anthropology in Business podcast is for anthropologists and business leaders interested in learning more about the many ways anthropology is applied in business and why business anthropology is one of the most effective lenses for making sense of organizations and consumers. It is hosted by Matt Artz (, a business anthropologist specializing in design anthropology and working at the intersection of product management, user experience, and business strategy. To learn more about the Anthropology in Business podcast, please visit the website (