In this episode of the Anthropology in Business podcast, Lora Koycheva speaks with Matt Artz about her career as a business anthropologist. The conversation covers Lora's journey from behind the Iron Curtain to studying innovation and entrepreneurship. It also touches on co-organizing new applied anthropology clubs for the EASA Applied Anthropology Network and co-founding a robotics startup.

About Lora Koycheva

Lora Koycheva is a Visiting Researcher at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, EPIC board member, and a  Convenor for EASA Applied Anthropology Network. 

She is irresistibly drawn to complex problems, ambitious projects, and crazy people. An anthropologist by training, she is lucky to have as craft the kind of mindset and thinking which thrives in uncertainty, embraces failure as a necessary first step, and demands stepping and acting outside of any zone of comfort.

With 15+ years of experience in qualitative research in a variety of contexts, from ethnographic interviews and participant observation to surveys and sociolinguistic analysis, she is adept at immersive and adaptive techniques in seeking to understand people, products, systems, and structures from otherwise hard-to-obtain angles and in unfamiliar terms.

Recommended Links

Lora Koycheva on LinkedInEASA Applied Anthropology Network Why the World Needs AnthropologistsEPIC

About the Anthropology in Business Podcast

The Anthropology in Business podcast is for anthropologists and business leaders interested in learning more about the many ways anthropology is applied in business and why business anthropology is one of the most effective lenses for making sense of organizations and consumers. It is hosted by Matt Artz (, a business anthropologist specializing in design anthropology and working at the intersection of product management, user experience, and business strategy. To learn more about the Anthropology in Business podcast, please visit the website (