In this episode of the Anthropology in Business podcast, Liz Lewis speaks with Matt Artz about her career as a business anthropologist. The conversation delves into Liz's unconventional journey into content marketing, exploring its role in enhancing brand recognition. Using examples from her career, Liz illustrates how her anthropological research skills have been instrumental in creating compelling content that resonates with a broad audience. The conversation ext

In this episode of the Anthropology in Business podcast, Liz Lewis speaks with Matt Artz about her career as a business anthropologist. The conversation delves into Liz's unconventional journey into content marketing, exploring its role in enhancing brand recognition. Using examples from her career, Liz illustrates how her anthropological research skills have been instrumental in creating compelling content that resonates with a broad audience. The conversation extends to explore strategies for top-of-funnel marketing, concerns surrounding the misrepresentation of survey data, and the advantages of diverse content mediums. Lastly, Liz imparts her knowledge on the importance of research-backed thought leadership in content marketing, underscoring its role in solidifying a company's position as a respected industry authority.
About Liz Lewis
Liz Lewis is an accomplished tech anthropologist with a PhD in Anthropology, specializing in the nexus of research and content creation. She's a skillful qualitative researcher and a proficient writer with more than a decade of experience across various formats, from corporate blogs and white papers to podcasts and scholarly writings. Liz currently serves as the Corporate Content Lead at Miro, where she's been instrumental in refining the company's content strategy. Previously, as a Senior Content Marketing Manager at Indeed, she led the editorial strategy, managed a team of content creators, and produced high-profile thought leadership materials recognized by major news outlets. Alongside her corporate roles, Liz has maintained a prolific freelance writing career spanning nine years, contributing to diverse publications on topics such as science, culture, and health.
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