In this episode of the Anthropology in Business podcast, Cathleen Crain speaks with Matt Artz about her career as a business anthropologist. The conversation covers Cathleen's tremendously successful career which includes being the co-founder and managing partner of LTG Associates and the current president of The National Association for the Practice of Anthropology. LTG Associates was the first business anthropology consulting agency in the US. It just had its 40th anniversary and has a new website to celebrate the milestone.
About Cathleen Crain
Cathleen Crain, M.A. is a Managing Partner of LTG Associates, the oldest anthropologically based consulting firm in the U.S. and a senior professional anthropologist. She has more than forty years of experience in health and human services research, program development, evaluation, policy analysis, and technical assistance. Cathleen has been engaged in scores of projects for international, federal, state, and local governmental organizations, and with for- and non-profit organizations and foundations. In addition to being an active social scientist working on projects, Cathleen is responsible for the development side of the firm.

Cathleen is the current president of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA), a past member of the SfAA Nominations and Elections Committee, a past chair of the NAPA committee responsible for the Careers Expo, a founder of the NAPA mentor program, a long-standing and proud member of WAPA, and a current member of the WAPA program committee.
Recommended Links

Cathleen Crain on LinkedIn
LTG Associates Website
NAPA Website