Welcome to the introductory episode of the Anthro to UX podcast, where you will learn how to break into UX with an anthropology degree.

I am Matt Artz, a business anthropologist specializing in design anthropology and working at the intersection of product management, user experience, and business strategy.

I've started this podcast and the Anthro to UX career coaching service because I frequently have people reaching out to me on LinkedIn looking for advice on breaking into UX with an anthropology degree.

In speaking with all of those aspiring UX'ers, I noticed that many recurring themes come up, so I thought this podcast could be a great way to address some of the common questions.

To do that, I will be releasing episodes every other week. Each episode will feature an anthropologist who has already made the transition.

You will get to hear from them, in their own words, about their journey and what they have learned since being in the role.

I hope you all find this podcast helpful, and most importantly, I hope it can help all of you break into UX.