In this Anthro to UX podcast episode, Melissa Krug speaks with Matt Artz about her UX journey, linguistic anthropology, finding her way to UX during the pandemic, and her role at AnswerLab as a Qualitative UX Researcher.
About Melissa Krug
Melissa Krug is a linguistic anthropologist. She earned her Phd from Temple University and works at AnswerLab as a Qualitative UX Researcher.

Her academic, consulting, and teaching research projects have included interviews, observations, survey design and analysis (quantitative and qualitative), and ethnography and have spanned over 12 years. Trained specifically in linguistic anthropological methods, Melissa is able to use common conversations as data and draw insights about concepts like identity construction, power dynamics, sentiment, and engagement. She has analyzed stories, gestures, translation practices, natural conversations, print content, social media, and recorded interviews to understand how people engage with different situations, other people, brands, and themselves.
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