In this episode of the Anthro to UX podcast, Anthony Shenoda speaks with Matt Artz about his UX journey. Anthony earned a PhD in Social Anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard University. He currently works as a Senior UX Researcher at HubSpot. 

About Anthony Shenoda

Anthony holds a joint PhD in Social Anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard University. His PhD research was on miracle narratives among Coptic Christian in Egypt. Anthony also holds an MA in Latin American Studies from the University of Arizona where he conducted anthropological and historical research on the ne-Zapatista social movement in Mexico. He taught courses in Anthropology & Religious Studies before leaving academia to serve as a priest in the Coptic Church. For the last several years he has worked as a CX researcher at REI and UX researcher with AnswerLab where he conducted research for Instagram and Facebook. He is currently a Senior UX Researcher at HubSpot where he leads research for the artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) team.

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About Anthro to UX

The Anthro to UX podcast is for anthropologists looking to break into user experience (UX) research. Through conversations with leading anthropologists working in UX, you will learn firsthand how others made the transition, what they learned along the way, and what they would do differently. We will also discuss what it means to do UX research from a practical perspective and what you need to do to prepare a resume and portfolio. It is hosted by Matt Artz (, a business anthropologist specializing in design anthropology and working at the intersection of product management, user experience, and business strategy. To learn more about the podcast and career coaching services, please visit Anthro to UX (

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