When I first began the podcast,  producer Eddie Ludema and I thought our main goal would be to dig deeply into what makes a great musician, and we had many fascinating interviews in that vein. But as time progressed, we noticed that our interviews were with subjects that didn’t concern themselves directly with performance and practice techniques (Hamido Fujita on A.I. and music, biographer Jan Swafford, Anne Midgette on music criticism), and so we have been expanding our interviews to explore as many different aspects of music as possible. And since I am a composer who uses an engraving system (first Sibelius and now Dorico, which sponsors the podcast), who better to ask about behind the scenes of working on engraving systems than Daniel Spreadbury?

Daniel is product marketing manager for the Dorico Music Notation System (Music and Composition Software for macOS, Windows, and iPad). After graduating from Oxford, he worked for around 12 1/2 years at Sibelius, and when he and his team were let go by Avid, most of them moved to Steinberg and started work on Dorico. In Part 1 of our conversation, Daniel first talks about his beginnings in music and tech, and how that eventually led him to Oxford University, which then eventually led him to Sibelius. We end Part 1 with Daniel talking about his team leaving Avid and their move to Steinberg.

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