A woman was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight for wearing a lewd outfit, plus Howard Stern's contract is not a done deal and President Donald Trump cursed on the air with Rush Limbaugh, and finally Kanye is campaigning for write in votes! #SouthwestAirlines #HowardStern #DonaldTrump   Get Hero Soap Here:  https://www.herosoapcompany.com/discount/anthony  Support the podcast https://anchor.fm/anthonyonair/support Subscribe to the Anthony On Air Podcast here: Facebook - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirFB YouTube - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirYT Apple Podcast - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirApple Google Podcast - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirGoo Spotify - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirSpot Stitcher - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirSti Overcast - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirOv Twitter - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirTwitter Instagram - https://bit.ly/AntOnAirInsta