Paul Hart, former Army and Royal Navy officer, takes us along on the recounting of his incredible journey across the Antarctic Peninsula by man-haul, a feat that had never been done before.

Leading a team of eight, we learn how the original well-planned route had to be abandoned due to inaccessibility, leaving Paul and his team to cross this crevassed and inhospitable mountain range with very little data, relying on their wits and expertise to get them safely to the other side. 


4:21 - Paul takes us through the 2012 crossing of the Antarctic Peninsula on the 100-year anniversary of Robert Falcon Scott’s crossing. Years of planning and physical preparation for crossing – starting in 2009 and culminating in a real-time crevasse crossing gone wrong. “The backup plan is we were the backup plan.”

23:42 - Paul tells us of the sketchiest moments on the crossing expedition – including being avalanched in once-in-100-years storm conditions, the insights that hindsight provides, and being 100% all in

31:26 - We learn about the educational outreach program to connect with schools and colleges, allowing students to learn unique polar and navigational insights from the expedition team in the field

36:57 - Paul shares what it’s like when you’re truly on your own out in the wilderness with no support mechanism and being somewhere that no other human has laid eyes on, ever

38:43 - We hear about Paul’s plans for future Antarctic adventures such as an expedition commemorating the 200-year anniversary of the sighting of Antarctica, offering polar maritime survival training programs as polar tourism increases, and his Education through Expedition programs for underprivileged youth in the polar environments.




Antarctica Ambassador

The Inari Project - Finland Expedition

AntArctic Stories is brought to you by Twin Tracks Expeditions - your experts in small ship expedition cruises and unique adventures to the Arctic and Antarctica. We love sharing our insider knowledge to help you find your next polar adventure. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, or at