Mikolaj Golachowski, a biologist by training, lived and worked at Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station off-and-on over the course of several years, including taking on the role of base commander in his final season.

He shares stories of lessons learned about human nature, his self-rescue after falling down a crevasse while alone, and the unusual opportunities presented while living in one of the most remote places on earth.



3:05 - How Miko’s study of elephant seals led him to apply for a year-long contract in Antarctica, which ultimately led to living there on and off for multiple seasons

15:30 - Miko tells us of the challenges and growth opportunities in human relationships when you’re living on a remote polar base in a cramped environment, and the realities of communication with the rest of the world 

20:54 - We hear what it's like to over-winter in Antarctica with a skeleton crew manning the base

24:01 - In Antarctica, your life is simplified: "Your main challenge is: don’t die today. Otherwise, it’s easy."

39:07 - Miko shares random facts about living on an Antarctic base that the average person would never guess



TED talk by Greta Thunberg - https://www.ted.com/talks/greta_thunberg_the_disarming_case_to_act_right_now_on_climate

Greta Thunberg addressing the UN - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFkQSGyeCWg



AntArctic Stories is brought to you by Twin Tracks Expeditions - your experts in small ship expedition cruises and unique adventures to the Arctic and Antarctica. We love sharing our insider knowledge to help you find your next polar adventure.

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