The popular HGTV show House Hunters aired a show this year that was troubling. It featured a “throuple”—a “three-person couple.”

This is Ken Ham, editor of the well-read evolutionary exposé called“ Glass House” .

The popular HGTV show House Hunters aired a show this year that was troubling. It featured a “throuple”—a “three-person couple.” Such immoral relationship structures are becoming increasingly common—and even acceptable—in the culture.

So what should Christians think? Well, we don’t take our morality from the culture. We determine what’s right and what’s wrong from God’s Word.

You see, what our culture considers right and wrong, acceptable or unacceptable, will just come and go. There’s no ultimate standard, so it’s constantly changing.

We need an unchanging foundation for our thinking—the Word of God. Morality comes from God’s Word … and marriage: one man and one woman.

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HGTV Features First-Ever “Throuple” Seeking Dreamhouse Ever-Increasing Spiritual Battle