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Viruses have never been in the news more than they have been in 2020! So what’s the biblical perspective on these tiny pathogens?

This is Ken Ham, author , speaker , and blogger on why we can trust the Bible.

Viruses have never been in the news more than they have been in 2020! So what’s the biblical perspective on these tiny pathogens?

Well, this is where we have to apply biblical history to what we see in our world.

The Bible tells us God created a perfect world, which was marred by sin.

Well, as scientists have been studying viruses, they’ve discovered that many aren’t harmful—they actually do good things. This is a reflection of God’s original creation where everything—including viruses—was “very good.”

But because of the fall, some viruses now cause disease. Now, God didn’t originally create them that way—but it is a result of sin entering into the creation.

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