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It doesn’t matter what they do or who they do it with—they get to decide for themselves what’s right and wrong. All that matters is: feelings and desires.

This is Ken Ham, author , speaker , and blogger on the Bible’s reliability and authority.

Many people believe they can do whatever they want with their bodies sexually. It doesn’t matter what they do or who they do it with—they get to decide for themselves what’s right and wrong. All that matters is: feelings and desires.

But that’s not what God’s Word teaches. Sexuality was created by God. He created us male and female, and brought one man and one woman together in marriage.

Marriage and sexuality are God’s creations. And our Creator made us … and loves us. He says sexual expression is to be exclusive to this marriage relationship of one man and one woman.

We don’t get to decide right from wrong—God decides morality in his Word.

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Be Good for Goodness Sake Morality and the Irrationality of an Evolutionary Worldview