When you think of “science,” you probably think of the scientific method … or knowledge about the natural world. Well, there’re actually two different kinds of science.

This is Ken Ham, inviting you to have an encounter with God’s Word at the Ark Encounter.

When you think of “science,” you probably think of the scientific method … or knowledge about the natural world. Well, there’re actually two different kinds of science.

The first kind is “observational” science. This is what builds technology and makes medical innovations. It’s directly testable, observable, and repeatable.
The other kind is “historical” science. It deals with the past, interpreting things like rock layers … and fossils.

Now, we can’t directly test, observe, or repeat the past. So, what you believe about the past will largely determine how you interpret the evidence. And that’s what the real issue is for creation versus evolution: a battle over two interpretations.

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