We constantly hear that creationists can’t be scientists. But there are many creationists today doing great science.

This is Ken Ham, encouraging all churches to start their thinking with God’s Word.

We constantly hear that creationists can’t be scientists. But there are many creationists today doing great science. And many great scientists in the past were also creationists. Science today stands on the shoulders of scientists who believed God’s Word!

Take, for example, the great Isaac Newton. He’s most famous for his theories of gravity. But he also established theories of light and motion, and he invented calculus—among many other things! He’s considered the greatest scientist of all time.

And he was a creationist! He wrote in support of the truth of God’s Word and against atheism.

It’s simply false to say creationists can’t be scientists—they can!

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The Misplaced Faith of Isaac Newton Isaac Newton