The Bible provides the foundational history we need to interpret the world. It explains our biology, geology, paleontology, anthropology, and astronomy.

This is Ken Ham, CEO of the apologetics and evangelistic ministry of Answers in Genesis.

The Bible provides the foundational history we need to interpret the world. It explains our biology, geology, paleontology, anthropology, and astronomy. And that history can be summarized as the “seven C’s of history.”

Creation: God created a perfect world a few thousand years ago.

Corruption: Adam and Eve sinned and now it’s a fallen world.

Catastrophe: There was a global flood, which laid down rock layers and fossils.

Confusion: The languages were confused at Babel, and different people groups arose.

Christ, Cross, and Consummation: Jesus lived a perfect life, died in our place, rose from the dead, and offers the free gift of eternal life.

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Seven C’s of History Why Genesis Still Matters