Two hundred years before Pythagoras, the prophet Isaiah implied that the earth was round. The Bible got it right, before secular astronomers figured it out!

This is Ken Ham, and we’ve produced the family-friendly Answers Bible Curriculum.

Who discovered that the earth is round? Most textbooks credit a man named Pythagoras, about five hundred years before Christ. But consider this verse from the book of Isaiah: “he who sits above the circle of the earth.”

Two hundred years before Pythagoras, the prophet Isaiah implied that the earth was round. The Bible got it right, before secular astronomers figured it out!

In our day, many people say the Bible is wrong about science and history. But those before Pythagoras might have thought the Bible was wrong about the shape of the earth, too! And yet the Bible was right and the so-called “wisdom” of men was wrong.

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Does the Bible Teach That the Earth Is Flat? Flat Earth Proof—Just a Mirage