That’s the big takeaway. They admit these soft tissues shouldn’t be there after millions of years. And they admit that experiments confirm that proteins can’t last that long.

This is Ken Ham, encouraging all churches to start their thinking with God’s Word.

The past few days we’ve looked at a study on how soft tissue is often being found in supposedly really old fossils. So in reading the secular science journal on this, what’s their big takeaway?

Okay, here it is … they don’t really know. That’s the big takeaway. They admit these soft tissues shouldn’t be there after millions of years. And they admit that experiments confirm that proteins can’t last that long.

But instead of questioning the long ages, they just assume that somehow, something is preserving the soft tissue.

Biblical creationists just don’t have this problem. Starting from God’s Word, we know this soft tissue is just thousands of years old.

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Dinosaur Tissue Tissue Issue