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One of the “ites” from the Old Testament is the nation of Edom: the Edomites. The Bible tells us that kings reigned in Edom before any kings in Israel.

This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truths of God’s Word.

One of the “ites” from the Old Testament is the nation of Edom: the Edomites. The Bible tells us that kings reigned in Edom before any kings in Israel. But some archaeologists rejected this idea. Instead, they thought of Edom as just a simple tribal society.

But then they discovered evidence for a massive copper-mining operation in Edom. This would have taken technological advances and lots of know-how. So Edom couldn’t have been just a simple society.

Over and over, archaeology has confirmed the Bible. So when you hear the Bible can’t be trusted on history, just give it a few years. Eventually science will catch up with the Bible, because the Bible is true.

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Archaeology and the Bible The Tug of War Between Genetics and Archaeology