I don’t think anyone claims the Bible is a science book. The Bible itself doesn’t say it’s a science book. But when it does touch on science, it’s always true.

This is Ken Ham, founder of the ministry that built a full-size ark south of Cincinnati.

Earlier this year a church in Nashville tweeted what they think the Bible is and isn’t. One of the things they said was that the Bible isn’t “a science book.”

Now, I don’t think anyone claims the Bible is a science book. The Bible itself doesn’t say it’s a science book. But when it does touch on science, it’s always true. That’s because God knows everything and doesn’t lie. Now, the Bible is a book of history, the true history of the world, always pointing to Christ.

That history in God’s Word provides the proper framework for interpreting science.

So, the Bible isn’t a science book, but it does give us the absolutely true history we need.

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Nashville Church: “The Bible Isn’t the Word of God” Does the Bible Say Anything about Astronomy?