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The Bible is full of commands to be thankful in every circumstance, no matter how much or how little God has blessed us with.

This is Ken Ham, author of the book on millions of years and church compromise, Six Days.

Many people have pointed out an inconsistency in America. You see, yesterday people spent the day being thankful and content for what they have. But today, the holiday sales begin and some people will do crazy things to get more things! It seems the thankfulness of yesterday is long gone!

But that shouldn’t be true for the Christian. The Bible is full of commands to be thankful in every circumstance, no matter how much or how little God has blessed us with.

So, our thankfulness shouldn’t just be a vague feeling of happiness or contentment. It should be something that is enduring and characteristic of us.

So today on Black Friday stop and be truly thankful.

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To Whom Should We Be Grateful? Are We Taking the “Thanks” out of Thanksgiving?