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Many Christians today are compromising on biblical truth. They’re trying to be more appealing to the world. But we should never compromise God’s Word!

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to God’s Word and the gospel.

Many Christians today are compromising on biblical truth. They’re trying to be more appealing to the world. But we should never compromise God’s Word!

Scripture tells us that people will hate God and his Word and that they will hate his followers! So we shouldn’t be surprised when we speak truth and the world comes against us. But the proper response isn’t to compromise with the world’s ideas. It’s to stand on God’s Word, then leaving the consequences in God’s hands.

As the world gets darker, Christians will look stranger to the world and our beliefs will seem even more foolish. But God says it’s the wisdom of the world that’s foolish, and true wisdom begins with him.

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