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Mountains are reminders of the judgment of a global flood.

This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truths of God’s Word.

The mountain ranges we see around the world are awe-inspiring—they’re so beautiful! But these mountains are also reminders of the judgment of a global flood.

You see, the Bible tells us the fountains of the great deep burst forth at the beginning of the flood. The earth’s crust was literally ripped apart. This caused the continents to break apart. And like a conveyor belt, they began to pull away from each other. And eventually, some plates crashed into others . . . or were sucked under others. And this formed mountains and ocean trenches. And rather quickly.

Our whole world is really a reminder that the Bible’s history is true—there really was a worldwide flood.

Dig Deeper

When Continents Collide Plate Tectonics—The Reality Behind a Theory