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All this week we’ve looked at the issue of climate change. We’ve seen that the climate’s much more complex than many people assume, so the issues are very complex as well.

This is Ken Ham, editor of the eye-opening book Glass House: Shattering the Myth of Evolution.

All this week we’ve looked at the issue of climate change. We’ve seen that the climate’s much more complex than many people assume, so the issues are very complex as well.

Now, many politicians and others are wanting to make drastic decisions that’ll affect a lot of people. How should Christians react to the climate debate?

Well, we need to remember that God created our climate, it’s complex, and we have God’s promise that the earth will always be habitable.

That doesn’t mean, of course, that we can do whatever we want to the earth. But it does mean that we need to look at issues wisely. We should always consider people first because we alone are made in the image of our Creator God.

Dig Deeper

What Scientists Ignore About Climate Change Global Climate Models Are Improving, But Are Not Yet Useful