Previous Episode: Are Our Bodies Ours?

According to a recent study, twenty percent of evangelicals think sex outside of marriage is fine.

This is Ken Ham, heading up the ministry that’s built a 510-foot-long Noah’s ark.

According to a recent study, twenty per cent of evangelicals think sex outside of marriage is fine. Sadly, these evangelicals are reflecting our culture’s belief that we can do whatever we want with our sexuality. But our bodies aren’t really ours—they’re a gift from the Creator—and we’re accountable to him for what we do with them.

Sex outside of marriage, pornography, homosexual relations, adultery—no matter what our culture says—these are sinful behaviors. And as Christians, we must start our thinking with God’s Word. It teaches our sexuality is a gift from God, designed to be expressed between one man and one woman . . . within marriage.

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