> The sight of a butterfly fluttering from flower to flower is sure to catch anyone’s attention. The brightly colored wings are beautiful. But they’re more than just pretty colors.

This is Ken Ham, calling the church back to the authority of God’s Word.

The sight of a butterfly fluttering from flower to flower is sure to catch anyone’s attention. The brightly colored wings are beautiful. But they’re more than just pretty colors.

Butterfly wings are made up of many tiny scales. They’re very delicate, so they can’t get too hot or too cold.

That’s why God gave butterfly wings a layer of cells that act as sensors—they help control temperature. Of course, these cells also need circulatory and respiratory support—and they have it! One scientist described butterfly wings as “light-detecting panels” that can measure the direction and intensity of light.

Incredible! The fingerprints of the Designer, they’re everywhere.

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New Study: Butterfly Wings More Than Just Scales Creepy Crawlies