Evolutionists often assume that since a certain species or trait exists, it’s proof of evolution because that’s how it must have happened.

This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and Ark Encounter.

A common argument you’ll hear from evolutionists is “well, life exists, so it must’ve evolved.” We even see this kind of thinking in scientific papers! But it’s a terrible argument. Of course, a conclusion does not prove the premises are true.

Here’s what I mean.

Let’s say the answer to a problem is “four.” But that doesn’t mean only two plus two got you to four—it could’ve been three plus one or six minus two.

Evolutionists often assume that since a certain species or trait exists, it’s proof of evolution because that’s how it must have happened. But that’s not the case.

The Bible offers another—much better—framework for how everything came to be: in Genesis!

Dig Deeper

1.2 The Basic Assumptions of Evolution Are “Vestigial Organs” Really “Proof of Evolution . . . on Your Body”?