Earth’s magnetic field couldn’t be more than twenty thousand years old! This is much younger than the billions of years most scientists believe in!

This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on the reliability of the Bible.

When we start with the Bible, we know that we live on a young earth—created by God just six thousand years ago. And the evidence supports this!

Here’s one example: the earth’s magnetic field.

You see, our planet is surrounded by a magnetic field that protects us from solar radiation. Without it, life couldn’t exist. Well, secular scientists discovered that this magnetic field is rapidly decaying. In fact, by today’s rates of decay, our magnetic field couldn’t be more than twenty thousand years old! This is much younger than the billions of years most scientists believe in!

Yes, science always ends up confirming the Bible.

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The Earth’s Magnetic Field The Earth’s Magnetic Field and the Age of the Earth