Genesis makes it plain that death entered the world because of Adam’s sin. It’s man fault, not God’s.

This is Ken Ham, with a passion for sharing God’s Word with the world.

Most people including many Christians have been indoctrinated to believe the fossil record took millions of years to be laid down. But when Christians believe this idea, they’ve accepted that there were millions of years of death and suffering before God made the first man. And if that’s true, then God used evolution to create.

Now, this places the blame for death and suffering on God!

But Genesis makes it plain that death entered the world because of Adam’s sin. It’s man fault, not God’s. Death was a judgment because of sin—it’s an enemy. And someday God will destroy death forever.

Instead of accepting man’s ideas about the past, we need to trust God’s Word.

Dig Deeper

Death Before Sin? Why Does God’s Creation Include Death and Suffering?