Today’s election day in the United States. It’s an important day—and there’s certainly going to be a mix of emotions when the results are released..

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to God’s Word … and the gospel.

Many of the stars in our nighttime sky are actually two stars. They rotate around each other. These are called “binary stars.”

Now, these stars are a favorite for astronomers to study because they change quickly. Their spots -- and other distortions -- often change within months or years.

So an astronomer can easily watch them happen.

But this is really surprising if these are billions of years old, as evolutionists believe. These binary stars should be wearing down and changing very slowly … or not at all!

Stars didn’t evolve billions of years ago. They were created by God … just a few thousand years ago.

Science confirms the Bible again!

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New Light from Binary Stars Distant Galaxy Allegedly Rapidly Forming Stars