In Scripture, we see that God created men to lead their families and be the spiritual head of the home.

This is Ken Ham, with a passion for sharing God’s Word and the gospel with the world.

In Scripture, we see that God created men to lead their families and be the spiritual head of the home. Sadly, for some families, this just isn’t possible. But if you’re a believing father, I want to challenge you . . . are you spiritually leading your family?

Maybe you don’t know what that looks like, or where to begin. Well, here are three ways to begin:

One. Read your Bible—and let them see you read it! This isn’t for show . . . this is to set an example for your kids.

Second, read your Bible with your family. Read it with your wife and read it to your children. And have your children read it to you.

And three. Teach apologetics. Help your family know what you believe . . . and why.

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Characteristics of a Godly Father Fathers Raise Your Children in the Lord