Previous Episode: Climate Change Deniers?

Most of the men considered to be the fathers of modern science believed the history in God’s Word.

This is Ken Ham, a missionary to our evolutionized culture . . . even the church.

Many evolutionists argue that creationists can’t do actual science. But that ignores the fact that most of the men considered to be the fathers of modern science believed the history in God’s Word.

Actually, it’s evolutionary ideas that’ve held back science.

Just consider the belief that much of our DNA is just evolutionary junk. For years scientists ignored large sections of our DNA. But later research revealed it’s not junk at all!

Or consider the belief that many of our organs are leftovers from our ancestors. Many needless surgeries were performed on that belief and research on these organs was stalled.

It’s evolution, not creation, that holds back science.

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“The Days of ‘Junk DNA’ Are Over” Creation Scientists