Previous Episode: God Is in Control
Next Episode: Preach the Gospel!

I’m often asked if I think we’re in the last days. I always say, “We don’t know for sure, but we do know we’re closer to the end than we were!”

This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and Ark Encounter.

I’m often asked if I think we’re in the last days. I always say, “We don’t know for sure, but we do know we’re closer to the end than we were!”

So, no matter how close we are to the end, what should we be doing while we await Christ’s triumphant return?

Well, the book of Jude commands us to “contend for the faith.” We’re to call out false teaching and false teachers, have answers for the hope we have, and courageously proclaim the gospel. And we’re to uphold sound doctrine. That’s what contending for the faith looks like!

And the only way we can do all that is if we know God’s Word and are firmly rooted in it.

So, if you want be Christ’s ambassador, get into your Bible!

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Is Sharing Our Faith Optional? Teach the Uncompromised Truth of Genesis in Church