Previous Episode: Days, Not Long Ages

We’ve seen this week there’s major biblical problems with the big bang. But there’s also major scientific problems.

This is Ken Ham, CEO of the Noah’s ark attraction, the Ark Encounter, south of Cincinnati.

We’ve seen this week there’s major biblical problems with the big bang. But there’s also major scientific problems.

Here’s just one: a monopole is thought to be a massive particle like a magnet but with just one pole. Now, if the big bang really happened, the high temperatures should’ve created many of these monopoles. And they should’ve lasted to this day. But we’ve never found any of these supposed monopoles! Where are they?

Well, the missing monopoles say the universe was never that hot and that’s because the big bang didn’t happen.

There’s no scientific reason for Christians to ignore God’s Word and to start with man’s ideas.

Dig Deeper

The Big Bang: God’s Chosen Method of Creation?
Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible?