Many women will proudly celebrate and almost practically worship abortion. How different this culture of death is from what we find in God’s Word!

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to the authority of God’s Word.

The book of Exodus records many of the laws God gave his people Israel. In Exodus 21, we read about the consequences if two men are fighting, and one accidently strikes a pregnant woman.

If the baby is born as a result, but isn’t harmed, the man pays a fine. However: if either the baby or the mother suffers harm, the man pays life for life, eye for eye, wound for wound. In other words—if the baby or mother died, the man was executed. The Mosaic Law gave unborn life the same value as life that has been born!

Why? Because level of development or location doesn’t determine personhood. Being made in God’s image does!

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We’re Called to Defend the Unborn Prenatal Development: Life of an Unborn Baby