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Volume 141 of Answers with Ken Ham

This is Ken Ham, publisher of the popular family magazine called Answers.

All this week we’ve seen the Bible is clear—abortion is murder. And we need to be teaching this truth! But don’t stop there—show how the gospel even applies!

The gospel is hope, peace, and forgiveness for those involved with abortion in any way. God promises if we repent and trust in Christ. He removes our sins … and he remembers them no more.

The gospel is the hope for a culture of death. The bad news is we’re all sinners … with wicked hearts. The good news is that the gospel changes hearts and lives. It’s the gospel that sets us free to love God and others—including speaking boldly and lovingly—and providing practical help and hope to those who are in need.

Dig Deeper

Abortion—Is the Bible Ambiguous? Abortion and Morality