The younger generations are very secular, and sometimes they just sort of add God on top. But it’s not the one true God, the God of the Bible!

This is Ken Ham, CEO of the ministry that built a full-size Noah’s Ark south of Cincinnati.

We saw earlier this week that nearly half of young adults in America don’t know, care, or believe God exists. But what about those who do believe in God?

Well, it’s largely not the God of the Bible. You see, the younger generations are very secular, and sometimes they just sort of add God on top. But it’s not the one true God, the God of the Bible! Usually, their god is distant, unconcerned with us. There’s no such thing as sin, and all “good” people go to heaven. Life’s about being happy maybe making others happy and feeling good about yourself.

This worldview doesn’t match with the Bible. And it doesn’t save! Only belief in Christ—the true, biblical Christ—saves!

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